RIT Senior Exhibition 2022
As a Studio Arts major with a concentration in painting, Juno Shemano had the opportunity to complete a body of work for the 2022 Senior Capstone Exhibition at Rochester Institute of Technology.
In the spring of 2022, her work was displayed at RIT City Art Space in Downtown Rochester.
I strive to be perfect; governed by my need to regain a sense of order and control. I grew up in a household full of anger and fear. To keep myself “safe” I tried to be the perfect daughter. I felt as if I had very little say in my life, so I try to take back that sense of control now.
We see these normal bodily functions as messy or gross, but each cell or secretion has a highly organized purpose. All of these biological processes indicate that our body is doing its job to keep us operating properly. Despite this, we are so quick to try to take back control and rid ourselves of the things we deem undesirable. Each composition is meant to confront the viewer and create a forced intimacy; breaching the personal space of the subject and viewer.
As I paint, I remain at a close distance from my paintings. On primed wooden panels, I command the paint with small brushes to get the glossy surface I desire. Color is applied in many thin glazes that build up the form and luminosity of the paintings. The thin translucent layers of paint let the surface underneath peek through, similar to the capillaries and veins that glimpse through the flesh.
Unlike the surface of my paintings, the subject matter is not beautiful, instead capturing the raw truths of what it is to be alive.
Friday, April 22, 2022
RIT City Art Space
6:00-9:00 pm
280 East Main Street, Downtown Rochester, NY
Earwax Removal
Piercing Aftercare

Tweezing. 6x12 in. Oil on panel.
Earwax Removal. 9x12 in. Oil on panel.
Piercing Aftercare. 8x10 in. Oil on panel.
Flossing. 10x10 in. Oil on panel.
Clipping. 8x8 in. Oil on panel.
Allergies. 11x14 in. Oil on panel.

RIT City Art Space
280 East Main Street
Sibley Tower, First Floor
Rochester, New York, 14604
Opening Event
6:00-9:00 pm
April 22, 2022
Thursday – Sunday
1-5 p.m.
1-9 p.m.